AirWorks is moving online!
Join DJI virtually from August 25 - 28, 2020 for the 5th Annual AirWorks Conference. Learn more about this change here.
About the Conference
Through the annual AirWorks conference, DJI drives the commercial drone industry forward.
AirWorks is a hub for innovation and growth, enabling participants in this ecosystem to exchange ideas, gain more control of drone technology, and steer the future development of the industry.
Join hundreds of commercial drone professionals, technology experts, and policymakers at the annual DJI AirWorks conference, where you can be a part of the leading discussion on the future of drone technology, share your growth stories, and exemplify the impact of drone technology on your business.
Members of the Media may apply for a media pass by clicking here.
Students and faculty with a valid ".EDU" email address are eligible for a discount. Please click here to request a unique promo code for registration.
Federal government employees are eligible for special AirWorks rates. Please click here to request a unique promo code for registration.
The event has been designed as a widely attended gathering in compliance with House and Senate ethics rules. Executive branch employees should consult their designated agency ethics officer for pre-clearance prior to attending.
Interested in attending AirWorks 2020? Be the first to get notified of ticket sales and other event news by signing up for email updates below.
<div style="text-align: center; font-size:22px;"> Email submitted. We look forward to seeing you in 2020! </div>
Day 1 Recap
DJI's 4th annual AirWorks began with a bang! Learn more about the 3 products launched during the Day 1 "Today's Tools" keynote, updates about drone usage during the Notre Dame fire, highlights from an industry trends panel and much, much more.